Users? Active users? Conversation flow? The terminology in our analytics pages can get confusing. So, here's a glossary of various terms that you'll need to understand how your bot is performing.
Table of Contents:
- Unique user
- If the same user opens a bot using two different computers, are they counted as 1 or 2 unique users?
- If the same user opens a bot using two different web browsers, are they counted as 1 or 2 unique users?
- If the same user opens a bot in one browser tab, and opens a bot in another browser tab, are they counted as 1 or 2 unique users?
- If the same user opens a bot in a Chrome tab, then opens another bot in an incognito window, are they counted as 1 or 2 unique users?
An active-user is a user who sees an opened bot when they visit your website (below screenshot).
A bot can be opened in multiple ways:
- Bot launches automatically when the visitor lands on the page
- Visitor clicks the persistent button
- Visitor clicks the teaser message
- Visitor sees a conversational landing page (aka Instabot microsite)
What if a visitor sees a conversational landing page (aka Instabot microsite)?
Yes, if a visitor opens and sees a conversational landing page, they are counted as an active-user.
What if a visitor sees a teaser message on the persistent button?
No, if a visitor sees a teaser message on the persistent button but does not click or tap the teaser message, that visitor is not counted as an active-user.
If an active-user sees different bots on different pages, will they be counted as multiple active-users?
No, if a visitor sees one bot on one page of your site, and sees another bot on another page of your site, they are counted as an active-user only once.
We only count a specific user as an active-user once. Every time we see that same user thereafter, we count them as an existing active-user and we do not double count them.
Monthly-Active-User (MAU):
A monthly-active-users are the total number of unique Active Users you had in a specific month, primarily used for Billing purposes. For example, if your billing page tells you that you have 780 monthly-active-users in July '19, this means that we have counted 780 unique active-users that have seen at least 1 bot in your account (any bot) at least once between July 1, 2019 and July 31, 2019.
This number (MAUs) is how we determine your usage of the Instabot platform per your pricing tier. For example, if your account is on the Base tier, you are permitted up to 5000 unique active-users per month.
At the end of the month, we reset your MAU count and start counting unique active-users from 0 again.
Where can I see my MAUs for the current month?
You can see this on your billing page.
Where can I see the MAUs for previous months?
Email us at and we'll be happy to get you a report of your previous month's MAUs!
An engaged-user is a user who interacts with, or talks to a bot when they see an open bot.
What's the difference between an active-user an an engaged-user?
An engaged-user is always an active-user, but an active-user may or may not be an engaged-user.
Unique user:
A unique user is a user that we have determined to be a specific, separate and unique user based on:
- the user's IP address
- the user's distinct web browser signature (eg: Chrome vs Firefox will have different browser signatures even if it's the same exact computer)
For example, if Joe from New York City talks to a bot on your website, and Jane from Hong Kong talks to the same bot on your website, then your bot would show 2 unique users (Joe and Jane).
If the same user opens a bot using two different computers, are they counted as 1 or 2 unique users?
This user will be counted as 2 separate unique users.
If the same user opens a bot using two different web browsers, are they counted as 1 or 2 unique users?
This user will be counted as 2 separate unique users.
If the same user opens a bot in one browser tab, and opens a bot in another browser tab, are they counted as 1 or 2 unique users?
This user will be counted as 1 unique user.
If the same user opens a bot in a Chrome tab, then opens another bot in an incognito window, are they counted as 1 or 2 unique users?
This user will be counted as 2 separate unique users.
Summary of Replies page:
This analytics page shows you a breakdown of how your visitors answered each question in your bot.
Conversation Flow page:
This analytics page shows you a breakdown of for each question in your bot - how many users answered the question, and how many did not answer the question. This analytics page helps you answer questions like:
- Where do users dislike answering a bot question?
- Are there a lot of unexpected exits from a step in the middle of the funnel?
What does 'advanced' vs 'abandoned' mean?
'Advanced' means a user answered that question
'Abandoned' means a user did not answer that question
In the above example, it means:
- 1086 users saw this node
- 815 (75%) answered this question
- 271 (25%) did not answer this question
Session, or conversation:
A session (aka conversation) is a single instance of a unique user seeing, and/or interacting with a bot. For example, if your analytics dashboard tells you that your bot has 567 sessions, this means that your bot has been seen or interacted with 567 times.
Put simply, the number of sessions is the number of times that any user has seen or interacted with a bot.
A session always starts when a user sees a bot.
A session ends when:
- user closes the browser tab
- user clicks the X in the bot window
- user reaches the end of the bot
- user stops responding for more than 10 minutes
NOTE - a session is independent from a unique user. For example, a bot with 567 sessions could mean:
- a single unique user has opened that bot 567 times
- OR
- 567 unique/different users opened that bot once
Why do I have more sessions than users?
Since a single user can have multiple sessions, it's possible you will have a greater number of sessions than users.
Teaser messages - how does this relate to active/engaged users?
A user who sees a teaser message, but does not click the message will not be counted as an active-user.
A user who sees a teaser message and clicks the message will be counted as an engaged-user.
How can I find out how many emails I've collected?
- Go to the conversations page, click "Closed"
- Select your desired:
- date-range
- bot
- c. Select the "goal quick-filter" that represents "email collected"
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