Instabot allows you to ask and capture a user's information, such as an email, which is then automatically saved onto their profile. You may want to provide some sort of instant follow up for that user based on the conversation they had with the bot.
With Zapier, you can create Zaps that will send automatic follow up messages whenever a user interacts with your bot.
Here's how you can accomplish this:
1. Set up Goals
First, you need to set up a "goal" in your bot. 'Goals' denotes an important place or action that occurs in the bot conversation!
To learn how to create a goal, check out our article here.
Since we're going to set up a Zap based on a user's email, make sure that your Goal is created on or after the specific node where your users will give their email addresses.
2. Set User Properties
Along with the goal, make sure to create a user property that will save the email a person enters. This way, the Zap will capture that saved property and use it to send the follow up email!
To learn how to create a user property, read our article here.
3. Set up the Zap
Now that your Bot has both the goal and user property created, it's time to create the Zap!
First, login to Zapier (if you haven't created an account, you'll need to do so first)
After choosing Instabot, select "New Goal Completed" as your trigger. This means that when a user reaches the goal you just created, the Zap will be notified and fire!
If you haven't yet connected Instabot to Zapier, you can do so by inputting your API key. For a step by step guide, click here!
Next, select your account and then select the Goal that you created.
4. Set up Email Template
In the "Action" step of creating your Zap, select the email App of your choice. This can be Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. For this exercise, we'll go with Gmail.
Next, you have the choice of either creating a draft of sending an email. By creating a draft, you can have the email ready to go and give it a final look for any changes you'd want to make before sending them away! We'll be choosing "Send Email".
Now it's time to write your email template!
Note: Each field will involve using a User Property from your bot.
Sending To : Add the email user property you previously set up - This ensures that the Zap will not only know a user has reached the email adding Goal in the conversation, it will pull the email address via the Custom Property attached to it.
Adding Cc/Bcc : This step is optional, however we found that Bcc-ing an internal contact can help keep track of emails being generated
From : Add the email address or alias that the message will be sent from
Subject : Write your universal subject line
Body : This is where you'll write the email template. If you would like to add any other user properties, such as a user’s name, company, etc. you can do so by clicking the “+ block” to the right of the text box. Just make sure that those user properties are added to your chatbot & that they come before your goal!
5. Test and Launch
Now that you've completed all the steps, have Zapier run a test to see if it will successfully launch the automatic emails to a user! We recommend also testing out the Zap from an end-user's perspective by interacting with your chatbot and seeing if an email comes through.
To read up on our blog post about this topic, click here!
Learn how to connect Instabot to Zapier here!
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